Conversion %
The conversion rate refers to the total number of applications received divided by the number of views and is shown as a % on your Rezoomo dashboard.
Conversion rates vary greatly between different industries, locations, companies and even down as far as different roles.Anything over 10% is considered an excellent conversion rate to have. Anything higher is of course great but anything lower can also be explained and worked on by you as an employer if approached in the correct way.
If your conversion % is low then this means your have a high drop off % and need to look at converting those views into applies.
Here are some things that might be affecting application conversion rates:
Job description: The first port of call when looking at improving your conversion rate is to look at your job description. Are you giving enough information? Is it clear and engaging? Here are a few areas to consider when looking at your job spec?
Keep the job spec clear, concise and relevant to the role.
Clearly list skills required and tasks of the role.
Clearly explain where the role is located.
Disclose the salary if possible as roles with the Salary disclosed seem to generate a higher conversion rate %
You want to keep the candidate engaged at this point they have already been interested enough to click the job title, keep the content interesting and include as much information that will differentiate you from your competitors and entice them to go all the way and hit that apply button. With our Rezoomo Job Descriptions you have the option to add video and audio content just to name a few of the unique features of our job specs. Be sure to leverage these to stand out.
The main objective when reading back over your job description is that there is minimal confusion and its enticing enough to want to apply, put yourself in a candidates shoes who might be looking at multiple job specs at once when searching, try to stand out as best you can for the right reasons but also be honest about the role.
Type of job: Some roles just don’t get as many applications as others. Certain skills are in higher demand and there are just not enough people to apply. The candidate market has never been as competitive as it is today so we do need to go the extra mile when it comes to our roles standing out and engaging talent.
Dont take the conversion rate to heart: Of course its important to monitor your conversion rate but please know it isn’t the be all and end all. It is something to be aware of and continually working towards improving to stay ahead of the game but it’s also important to look at aiming for quality over quantity which can be achieved through leveraging the Rezoomo platform features to their optimum level and effectively communicating your unique employer brand and culture to talent. Securing a candidate who is the correct fit for your company is much more desirable than filling a seat which in many cases is not a fit resulting in attrition and the same role having to be filled again.