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Editing the "Benefits" page
Editing the "Benefits" page

Editing the Benefits page and why you should add benefits to your corporate profile to attract talent and differentiate your brand

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Written by Support Team
Updated over a week ago

The benefits page is where you can show talent what benefits you have to offer them should they secure a position within your company. This is an opportunity for you to differentiate your brand from competitors not to be overlooked. Simply follow the below steps in order to edit and add the Benefits tab to your corporate profile. 

Steps for adding and editing your Benefits tab

  1. When logged in to your Rezoomo account navigate to the bottom right corner of the screen and you will see an icon which when hovered over says "Setup Guide", click this!

  2. You are now in your set up guide. In order to access the Benefits tab to edit you will need to click the arrow within the first box titled "Build Your Company Profile"

  3. Next click the edit icon in the shape of a pen to the right of the label "Benefits page".

  4. You are now in the Benefits page and can edit the content. You will need to add a description at the top, select the icons of the benefits you want to showcase and also have the option to discuss flexible work options at the bottom if this is something you offer. 

  5. You simply need to complete 50% of this page in order to be able to make it active. 

  6. Once you are happy with the content simply scroll back to the top and select the "off" button which is above the "Benefits" tab and it should show as "on"

If your page is already published this tab will now be live or if you need to finish the remainder of your profile it will be live as soon as you publish your profile. 

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